最叻玩信用卡賺冇汗錢,卡冚卡不在話下啦,仲玩支付寶套現、微信套現,仲有O易Pay套現,轉數快套現,佢地有D仲貼錢俾我玩,唔玩就笨! 套現所得冇再靠公用股了,正逐漸轉向盈富恆科A50的ETF,與大市同步便知足!我躺著收息,齊賺冇汗錢!
Student says:Lok Lok Sir,Do you know the "price gay" of these 2 banks in Mainland China (A shares) today is RMB7.16-RMB6.10 = RMB1.06 Historical price charts tell us 939.HK was usually leading 1398.HK by around HK$1 !Anyway, you have performed a smart "stocks switching" last time (change 1398.HK to 939.HK when their price gap was HK$0.57). Like!
Student says:Lok Lok Sir,I am not saying to participate in A shares.Just take into accounts ... prices comparison ... which may bring us better decisions in buying/selling our H shares.And ... Good Good Luck!
Student says:Lok Lok Sir,At right prices, sell a stock first and then buy another at "roughly same amount"(not "same price" of course for different stocks).No need to use additional cash.
Student says:
回覆刪除Lok Lok Sir,
Do you know the "price gay" of these 2 banks in Mainland China (A shares) today is RMB7.16-RMB6.10 = RMB1.06
Historical price charts tell us 939.HK was usually leading 1398.HK by around HK$1 !
Anyway, you have performed a smart "stocks switching" last time (change 1398.HK to 939.HK when their price gap was HK$0.57). Like!
Student says:
刪除Lok Lok Sir,
I am not saying to participate in A shares.
Just take into accounts ... prices comparison ... which may bring us better decisions in buying/selling our H shares.
And ... Good Good Luck!
刪除Student says:
刪除Lok Lok Sir,
At right prices, sell a stock first and then buy another at "roughly same amount"(not "same price" of course for different stocks).
No need to use additional cash.