最叻玩信用卡賺冇汗錢,卡冚卡不在話下啦,仲玩支付寶套現、微信套現,仲有O易Pay套現,轉數快套現,佢地有D仲貼錢俾我玩,唔玩就笨! 套現所得冇再靠公用股了,正逐漸轉向盈富恆科A50的ETF,與大市同步便知足!我躺著收息,齊賺冇汗錢!
Student says:Questions:1. How many 001.HK you got now?2. How much is the average cost now?Thanks Lok Lok Sir for sharing.
Student says:Lok Lok Sir,Hold it in long run for dividends income?Any strategy to share with us?Thanks a lot.
Student says:P.S. Add oil and Good Luck !!! ^_^
Student says:
1. How many 001.HK you got now?
2. How much is the average cost now?
Thanks Lok Lok Sir for sharing.
刪除Student says:
刪除Lok Lok Sir,
Hold it in long run for dividends income?
Any strategy to share with us?
Thanks a lot.
Student says:
刪除P.S. Add oil and Good Luck !!! ^_^